
AFL - CIO Plans Worldwide Labor Rallies

  • 12-06-2005
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The AFL-CIO is organizing rallies around the country and overseas this week to try to energize a labor movement that has been losing membership for years.þþAFL-CIO President John Sweeney said Monday that American workers have lost their right to organize -- pointing to lost manufacturing jobs, companies' increased hostility to unions and government policies that don't weaken unions' strength.þþ''The ability to form unions is the key to this nation's middle class,'' Sweeney said. ''Yet, the right to come together in a union is a fundamental freedom that has been eroded beyond recognition.''þþMore than one- third of American workers, about 35 percent, were union members in the mid-1950s, and that number is now 13 percent. Only 8 percent of those in private industry now are union members.þþThe AFL-CIO, an umbrella group that includes more than 50 unions, and dozens of allied organizations are putting together a mobilizing campaign with more than 100 rallies around this country and a dozen overseas.þþRallies are set all over the country, with some of the larger events in Philadelphia on Tuesday, New York City on Wednesday and Boston and Washington D.C. on Thursday. One of the largest international events is set for Hong Kong on Saturday -- International Human Rights Day.þþAlmost a dozen Nobel Peace Prize laureates, including former President Carter, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and Lech Walesa of Poland, will announce their belief on Tuesday that freedom to form unions is a basic human right.þþSweeney said he expects the week will draw attention to the importance of unions and help educate the public about the difficulty some workers' face getting a fair deal at work and trying to organize unions.þþ''The labor movement is in a deep crisis in terms of organizing,'' said Gary Chaison, a professor of labor relations at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. ''It's a vicious cycle. As membership declines, there is less revenue and less to spend on organizing new workers.''þþVeterans of the labor movement say it has been under siege for almost a quarter-century, since President Reagan fired federal air traffic controllers in 1981 during a prolonged strike. The steady loss of manufacturing jobs overseas, corporate hostility to unions and government policies that make organizing new unions a slow and difficult process have all contributed to labor's problems.þþAbout a half-dozen unions cited declining membership for their decision this summer to break away from the AFL-CIO and chart an independent course focused more on organizing new members than on political activism.þþThe problem for organized labor is that union jobs are disappearing faster than new members can be recruited -- a difficult and very expensive activity, said Chaison.þþ''They're on a treadmill,'' he said. ''They're trying to run and run, and the treadmill is going faster and faster.''þþ

Source: NY Times