
Justice for Asbestos Victims

  • 02-07-2006
EditorialþþJust last week, the Democrats' Senate leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, failed to muster the gumption to try to stop the nomination of a right-wing ideologue to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court. So it's shocking to hear Mr. Reid threatening now to block a bipartisan bill that would finally bring justice and compensation to victims of asbestos-related diseases. We can't imagine what Mr. Reid is trying to achieve, other than showing fealty to the trial lawyers who have been so generous to his party.þþThe Senate should approve the bill, which would replace the current morass of asbestos litigation with a $140 billion fund to pay the claims of victims of asbestos exposure. The fund would be financed by makers of asbestos, a carcinogenic material, and manufacturers that used it, and their insurers. þþIt is the product of an assiduous effort by Senator Arlen Specter, the Republican who is chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Senator Patrick Leahy, the committee's senior Democrat. That makes it a 21st-century rarity: a thoughtful bipartisan compromise on a vexing national problem. It would create a fund to pay awards to those who are already sick, using detailed medical criteria to determine eligibility and the awards. Under this no-fault system, akin to workers' compensation, those exposed to asbestos at work but not ill would be entitled to free medical screening every three years.þþLobbyists for trial lawyers, and various companies, insurers and union interests that feel aggrieved by some aspect of the complex package, are trying to round up lawmakers to block the bill. A key test is to come today, when the majority leader, Bill Frist, has scheduled a vote to allow the Senate to begin formal consideration of the bill. Mr. Reid is trying to derail the measure even before the debate begins in earnest, and Democrats who want to see asbestos victims treated fairly should not support him.þþThere are other dangers ahead, including the possibility of a ÿpoison pillÿ amendment that would expand to other communities a special provision that would make residents of Libby, Mont., a town uniquely affected by asbestos contamination, eligible for a guaranteed level of compensation without a need to show occupational exposure. Another worry is that some Republicans will try to amend the payment provisions or medical criteria in ways that would be unfair to victims. þþNo one can be sure that $140 billion would cover all current and future claims. But the bill would give victims the option of going to court should the trust fund run out. It would be a vast improvement over the present method of dealing with the claims of asbestos victims, which is to clog the courts and bankrupt companies while still depriving many victims a measure of justice.þþ

Source: NY Times