Despite icy temperatures in New York on Thursday morning, people eager to buy an iPhone that is compatible with Verizon’s wireless network filed into Apple and Verizon stores. þþThursday is the first day that the iPhone is widely available for sale from a wireless carrier other than AT&T in the United States. Verizon and Apple planned to start selling the Verizon version of the iPhone in their stores around the country at 7 a.m. as well as in their online stores. Best Buy and several hundred Wal-Mart stores also planned to have the phone. Photos on Twitter showed modest lines at some stores; here is a roundup.þþVerizon said on Friday that demand for the iPhone 4 was greater than for all of its previous smartphone debuts, including releases like the Motorola Droid and Droid X. Despite minor complaints from some Verizon customers who said they experienced glitches when trying to order online, the company said it sold all of the phones that it had set aside for pre-orders for current customers who wanted an iPhone. The phone has received glowing reviews from many gadget reviewers, only fueling interest in it. þþAt least one region of the country is expecting unusually high interest in the phone. North and South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, which are not serviced by AT&T, will now be able to purchase an iPhone from Verizon, which will begin selling the phone in those regions on Thursday. Stores have stocked up on hand warmers and hot drinks for the those who may line up.þþInterest on the West Coast is beginning early: Damon Darlin, New York Times technology editor, reports that in downtown San Francisco, nearly two dozen anxious iPhone customers were queued up outside of a Verizon store as early as 6:45 a.m. Only two people were sitting outside the Apple store that is half a block away. þþIf you pursued a Verizon iPhone 4 this morning, what was your experience like? Let us know in the comments.þþ.
Source: NY Times