
Dockworkers Union Accuses Companies

  • 10-30-2002
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Shipping companies are mismanaging cargo at major Pacific ports so federal prosecutors can blame longshoremen for a work slowdown, the dockworker's union contends.þþThe union made the allegation in documents filed Tuesday with the Justice Department.þþThe 10,500-member union and the association of shipping companies have blamed each other for the trouble in clearing the docks. Under the Taft-Hartley injunction earlier this month that ended a 10-day lockout at the ports, a federal judge may decide whether either side is violating a directive to work ``at a normal pace'' and mete out penalties.þþThe labor impasse was costing the U.S. economy an estimated $1 billion a day by the time President Bush asked a federal judge in San Francisco to reopen the ports.þþLast week, the Pacific Maritime Association -- which represents shipping companies and port terminal operators -- filed documents with federal prosecutors asserting some crane operators were moving up to 30 percent fewer cargo containers than normal.þþA spokesman for the International Longshore and Warehouse Union said Tuesday those statistics didn't prove a slowdown -- instead, they proved that the waterfront is in disarray because of ``gross mismanagement'' by maritime association members.þþ``If a particular container is needed to be put on a ship and that one is stuck somewhere in a pile, it will hold up everything,'' spokesman Steve Stallone said. ``That leaves the crane sitting idle for a while.''þþShipping association officials said it was ridiculous to suggest they were sabotaging operations.þþ``You can't have more motivation than we do to get things working properly. Our members are losing millions of dollars,'' association spokesman Steve Sugerman said.þþIn a statement Tuesday, the Justice Department said its lawyers are studying the documents filed by both sides to determine if any legal action is needed to ensure compliance with court orders.þþIf the department sides with shipping companies, it could ask a federal judge to penalize the union before a ``cooling-off'' period ends Dec. 26. Possible penalties include fines.þþAlso Tuesday, both sides met with a federal mediator in contract negotiations. Mediator Peter Hurtgen has asked both sides not to discuss the sessions publicly.þþ

Source: NY Times