
Microsoft Expected to Unveil a Tablet to Rival iPad

  • 06-15-2012
Microsoft issued a media invitation to a super-secret event Monday in Los Angeles: ÿThis will be a major Microsoft announcement -- you will not want to miss it.ÿþþAlthough the tech giant gave no hints about what it was planning to announce -- even keeping the address a secret -- a source told The Wrap that Microsoft plans to unveil a tablet to rival Apple's iPad.þþThe entertainment blog said the company plans to introduce a Microsoft-branded-and-manufactured tablet at the event, ÿmarking a foray into a new hardware category that would put the company in direct competitionÿ with Apple. There's been talk of a Microsoft tablet for years, but nothing has surfaced.þþAccording to the Wrap, the Microsoft tablet will run on Windows RT, a version of Windows 8.þþMicrosoft's Monday event begins at 3:30 p.m. Media invitees were told that their invitations were non-transferable. ÿHowever, if you would like to send your local colleague in your place, please submit that name and it will be reviewed.ÿþþThe company said additional information, including the specific venue, would be sent to registered attendees on Monday by 10 a.m.þþCopyright © 2012, Los Angeles Times

Source: LA Times