
Visa and MasterCard Settle Lawsuit, but Merchants Aren’t Celebrating

  • 08-09-2012
It has been called the largest private antitrust settlement in history, but the tentative $7.3 billion deal made last month between credit card companies and merchants may do little for Andy Charles, the owner of Haven’s Candies, which accepts credit cards at its three stores in the Portland, Me., area.þþMr. Charles said he did not expect much of the payment, which includes more than $6 billion in cash and an eight-month reduction in credit card transaction fees worth $1.25 billion, to reach him. And while the settlement is noteworthy because it allows merchants for the first time to charge more when customers pay with a credit card, Mr. Charles said he had no plans to do so. (In the past, credit card companies have not objected to retailers, like gas stations, that give a discount to customers who pay cash.)þþ“When somebody’s in my store, I want them to be impressed by both the quality of my products and the service they receive,” he said. “And if I suddenly have to get into a conversation where I’m penalizing them if they use a credit card, it doesn’t make for very good customer service.”þþBut even if he wanted to impose a surcharge, Mr. Charles is one of many merchants who would not be able to, because of a sort of Catch-22 provision in the settlement that makes it effectively impossible for establishments that accept American Express to take advantage of the new rules.þþAlthough the settlement was announced with fanfare in July by the lawyers who negotiated it, the celebration may have been premature. Some merchants and retail advocates, including four organizations that are plaintiffs in the lawsuit, oppose the deal because, they say, it offers too little and will make it harder to take legal action against credit card companies in the future. The settlement is still subject to court approval and is unlikely to become official before the middle of next year.þþ“There’s nothing there,” said Mallory Duncan, senior vice president and general counsel at the National Retail Federation, a trade association that was not involved in the lawsuit. He called the cash and fee reductions a “drop in the bucket” compared with the amount banks had overcharged merchants to process credit cards.þþThe lawsuit was filed in 2005 on behalf of some seven million merchants who claimed that MasterCard and Visa had colluded, separately, with banks to eliminate competition and increase the price of their credit card transactions. Since then, the interchange fees, or so-called swipe fees, small merchants pay card networks have risen as the networks have plied cardholders with rewards, said David Robertson, publisher of the Nilson Report, which tracks the card industry.þþIn 2011, Visa and MasterCard accounted for 68 percent of credit card spending at merchants, according to the report, and the two companies’ grip on the market is likely to make retailers think twice before applying a surcharge. “Customers are very temperamental now,” said Nancy Alinovi, who owns two consignment shops called Adore Designer Resale Boutique in the Raleigh, N.C., area. “It’s much harder to get them to spend their money.”þþMs. Alinovi said she would never apply a surcharge. “However,” she added, “I love that we have the ability to do that, the freedom to do that.”þþThat freedom, however, is limited. Under the agreement, a merchant that added a surcharge to Visa or MasterCard transactions would also be required to add the surcharge to American Express transactions, if the merchant took American Express. (Half of those who accept Visa and MasterCard also take American Express, said David Darst, an analyst who covers the industry for Guggenheim Securities.)þþBut American Express has its own rule that says merchants must treat every form of electronic payment equally — and that means that to add the surcharge to American Express transactions, the merchant would have to add it to every other card it accepted, including debit cards. But both Visa and MasterCard prohibit surcharges on debit cards — Catch-22! — which effectively means merchants cannot add a surcharge to any transaction.þþIn reality, few merchants would impose a debit surcharge even if Visa and MasterCard permitted it. “Debit is the product that merchants want to encourage customers to use, so if you have a rule that says if you’re going to surcharge American Express you’re going to have to surcharge debit, you might as well have a rule that says no surcharge,” said Gary B. Friedman, a lawyer in New York who represents merchants in a separate class-action lawsuit against American Express.þþNoah J. Hanft, MasterCard’s general counsel, said the company was not trying to use the rules set by other networks as a shield against competition. “We can’t fix the problems that other brands have with their rules,” he said. “We can only fix issues with our rules, but we have to ensure that there’s a competitive marketplace. We’re not going to enter into an agreement that’s not fair to our cardholders.” Visa officials declined to speak on the record.þþThe settlement’s impact will also be limited by state law. Ten states that together constitute 40 percent of the United States population have banned surcharges on credit card purchases, “and I don’t think anything would restrict the banks and networks from lobbying other states to do the same,” said Henry M. Polmer, a Washington lawyer who specializes in electronic payment networks.þþþOne element of the settlement that intrigued Mr. Charles, the confectioner, was a provision requiring Visa and MasterCard to negotiate transaction rates with merchants that banded together as a group. “It would theoretically allow merchants to negotiate a lower cost of interchange, which right now is out of control and growing,” he said. “But how do you negotiate when there’s only one game in town?”þþThe settlement’s detractors echoed that sentiment. “Merchants are allowed under the law to form buying groups right now, even without a settlement,” said Douglas Kantor, a Washington lawyer who represents NACS, the convenience store trade association, which was a party to the lawsuit but rejected the settlement. “The problem has always been, Visa and MasterCard don’t bargain with those groups in a fair way.”þþIf the settlement received court approval, Visa and MasterCard could obtain unusual freedom from future lawsuits over transaction pricing. Not only would existing merchants lose their right to sue, but claims from merchants created in the future would be barred from court as well. The card companies would be protected not just from claims made in this suit, but also from claims that could have been made but were not. “The release is remarkably overbroad,” Mr. Kantor said. “There are all kinds of rules that aren’t touched by the settlement at all, and it releases them to abuse merchants with those rules in perpetuity.”þþBut a lawyer for other plaintiffs, H. Laddie Montague Jr., said the provision was a reasonable protection for the credit card companies. “They don’t want to settle today,” he said, “and have a merchant tomorrow who accepts their credit cards refile and start the whole thing over.”þþAlbert A. Foer, a longtime observer of the case and founder of the American Antitrust Institute, based in Washington, said the settlement was too complicated to say yet whether merchants, and ultimately consumers, would benefit. The judge overseeing the case, Mr. Foer said, “is going to have to seek greater clarity before he or anybody else can say with any certainty what all the practical implications of the settlement will be.”þ

Source: NY Times