WASHINGTON — Democrats in Congress are uniting around a proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $12 an hour.þþWithin the next several days, Senator Patty Murray, the top Democrat on the Senate committee that deals with labor issues, plans to introduce a bill to increase the minimum wage, in steps, from its current level of $7.25 to $12 by 2020.þþThe measure has little chance of passing the Republican-controlled Congress in the near future, but it is the latest indication of Democrats’ rising ambitions for lifting the wage floor, an issue with considerable popular support in an era of increasing income inequality. The party is determined to elevate the issue in next year’s congressional and presidential elections.þþSenator Murray’s forthcoming bill, and a companion measure by Representative Robert C. Scott in the House, have considerable support within the party, according to congressional aides. Among the 15 to 20 Democrats who already back the effort in the Senate are Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, and Charles E. Schumer of New York, his chosen successor.þþ“The politics, substance and morality coincide to make it a winner issue for us in 2016,” Senator Schumer said. “It appeals not just to the people who would benefit,” he added. “Polling data shows it appeals to middle-class people, people of high income.”þþThe speed with which Democrats and activists have strengthened their demands for minimum-wage hikes poses some complications for both the White House, which has yet to take a position on the Murray plan, and for Hillary Rodham Clinton, who in response to last week’s national protests by low-wage workers wrote on Twitter: “Fast food & child care workers shouldn’t have to march in streets for living wages.”þþMrs. Clinton has a long record of supporting minimum-wage increases, but her recently begun presidential campaign has preferred to ease into revealing the details of her policy positions, the minimum wage included.þþWhatever the challenges the minimum-wage issue presents for prominent Democrats, however, they pale in comparison to those facing the Republican Party, where support for even the current minimum wage is tepid. A January 2014 poll by the Pew Research Center showed that 73 percent of Americans, including 53 percent of Republicans, supported raising the minimum wage to $10.10.þþ“In a deeply polarized country, the minimum wage is one of a small handful of issues that gets broad bipartisan support,” wrote Daniel H. Pfeiffer, who until recently was a senior adviser to President Obama, in an email in response to questions. “The Republican problem of opposing the minimum wage grows much worse when paired with their support of tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporations. The 30-second ad writes itself.”þþTo defuse the support, Republicans and pro-business groups have highlighted the potential job losses that could arise from minimum-wage increases. If “you just ask if people support a higher minimum wage, people support it,” said Michael Saltsman, research director of the business-backed Employment Policies Institute. “What’s interesting to me is when you have a follow-up question and walk them through the consequences, support really falls.”þþA growing body of economic research suggests that moderate increases in the minimum wage would cause little or no job losses. An increase to $12 an hour spread out over the next few years, which would roughly restore the minimum wage to its purchasing power in the late 1960s, falls in this range, according to Jared Bernstein, who served as economic adviser to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.þþBut moving substantially beyond that could lead to more significant job losses, particularly in low-wage regions of the country, said Mr. Bernstein.þþThe Senate bill would raise the minimum wage to $8 an hour in 2016, then in $1 annual increments until 2020. Thereafter, it would rise in line with the growth in median wages, which typically increase more rapidly than the inflation measure used in Social Security and other federal programs to adjust for changes in the cost of living.þþPerhaps the most far-reaching element of the bill is its gradual elimination of a separate minimum wage for workers who receive tips, like waiters, which currently stands at $2.13. “This is historic, truly historic,” said Saru Jayaraman, co-director of Restaurant Opportunities Centers United and a leading activist on the issue.þþAccording to Ms. Jayaraman, the practice of paying substantially lower wages to tipped workers dates back to the post-Civil War era, when dining establishments and railroads hired freed slaves to work for tips and nothing else.þþSenator Murray’s effort comes at a time of increasing momentum around the country behind changes to the minimum wage. Even some conservative states, including Arkansas, South Dakota and Alaska, raised their wage minimums by referendum last year.þþAnd since the beginning of 2015, large employers like Walmart, Target and McDonald’s have increased their companywide minimum wage to near or above $10 per hour.þþLast week, tens of thousands of fast-food and other low-wage workers protested in over 200 American cities in favor of a $15 an hour minimum wage.þþAs the energy behind the movement has escalated, Democrats have become more ambitious about what they might ultimately achieve, despite continuing Republican opposition.þþPresident Obama proposed an increase to $9 an hour in his 2013 State of the Union speech, then bumped his proposal to $10.10 by the fall of that year.þþIn 2014, the Seattle City Council voted to raise the local minimum wage to $15 an hour over a period of several years, while Chicago’s moderate Democratic mayor, Rahm Emanuel, a former chief of staff to President Obama, helped win an increase of the city’s minimum wage to $13 by 2019.þþ“That momentum helped raise the awareness that there’s something we can do rather than ‘Gosh, let’s put our head down because it might get defeated,’ ” Senator Murray said.þþActivists say that her forthcoming legislation effectively becomes the baseline, among Democrats, for the smallest acceptable increase in the minimum wage heading into the 2016 political season.þþIn a sign that the $12 figure could define the lower end of the debate within the party, Senator Bernard Sanders, independent of Vermont, one of the chamber’s more liberal members, held a rally with low-wage workers on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to lift pay for employees of federal contractors to at least $15 an hour.þþ“Pretty much anyone who enters the 2016 cycle not at least talking about $12 an hour is way behind the times,” said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a grass-roots organizing group with nearly one million members. “It’s the equivalent of entering 2016 talking about civil unions.”þ
Source: NY Times