For the second time in two years, a passenger train traveling well above its speed limit has derailed, leaving a trail of death and injuries. And for the second time, existing technology that might have prevented the accident was missing.þþAmtrak has installed the technology, known as positive train control, on parts of its rail network in the Northeast Corridor. But the technology, designed to automatically slow or stop a train to prevent accidents, was not available on a critical stretch of track in Philadelphia where Train No. 188 derailed on Tuesday night, killing at least seven and injuring more than 200.þþSafety investigators said the technology might have prevented the derailment. The train from Washington to New York was traveling at 106 miles per hour just as it entered a curve limited to 50 m.p.h.þþ“We feel that had such a system been installed in this section of track, this accident would not have occurred,” Robert Sumwalt, a member of the National Transportation Safety Board, said during a news conference on Wednesday.þþIt was not the first time that the safety board had stressed the importance of positive train control, which it views as one of the top 10 transportation safety issues in the country this year — along with improving the safety of crude oil tank cars and reducing drunken or substance-impaired driving.þþIn fact, the absence of the technology has come up repeatedly. Positive train control might have prevented the derailment of a Metro-North commuter train in the Bronx in December 2013 that killed four people and injured dozens, according to the safety board. Its investigation determined that the train’s engineer had fallen asleep and failed to slow a train that was traveling at 82 m.p.h. before it entered a curve limited to 30 m.p.h.þþ“Without it, everybody on a train is one human error away from an accident,” according to the safety board.þþCongress mandated that the system be installed throughout the nation’s railroad system by the end of 2015 after a commuter train tragedy in September 2008, when a Metrolink train collided head-on with a freight train in Chatsworth, Calif., killing 25 people and injuring more than 100.þþBut implementing the system has proved to be a challenge for regulators as well as for railroads, and Congress is considering extending the deadline to 2020 at the urging of the freight and passenger rail systems.þþPart of the issue is that the technology is complex. Basically, positive train control means that locomotives, engineers and train dispatchers have real-time information about train speed and location, and that trains can automatically respond to sensors along the tracks.þþThe Association of American Railroads argued as early as 2012 that meeting the 2015 deadline would be a challenge for most of its members because of the high cost of the system and the complexity involved in installing and testing it.þþThe trade group estimated the total cost for the railroads at $10 billion and said operators had already spent $5.2 billion.þþOne major issue is that each freight railroad has its own tools but needs to make sure that its technology can communicate when traveling on tracks owned and operated by others.þþFor the freight industry, positive train control involves fitting 36,000 wayside units and equipping 26,000 locomotives, according to industry figures.þþ“America’s freight rail industry remains fully committed to positive train control and is working all out to have a fully interoperable, nationwide P.T.C. system tested and safely operating,” said Ed Greenberg, a spokesman for the railroad industry. “P.T.C. has been an unprecedented technological challenge involving a system that is not off-the-shelf technology and has had to be developed from scratch.”þþAmtrak uses a system called the Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System in the Northeast Corridor. It is designed to automatically stop a train to prevent certain accidents, including collisions, derailments caused by excessive speed, or movement in work zones.þþAccording to the January/February issue of Amtrak Ink, a publication for employees, Amtrak had equipped about 400 miles of track with the advanced system. That included the New England Line, from Boston to New Haven; the New York Line, from New Brunswick, N.J., to Trenton; and the Mid-Atlantic Line, from Perryville, Md., to Wilmington, Del. The next step is another 1,200 miles of track, including the rest of the Northeast Corridor.þþInvestigators said Wednesday that they would seek to determine why the stretch of track where the accident occurred was not in service yet. But for safety advocates, accidents on passenger trains involving excessive speeds in recent years clearly demonstrate the need.þþ“We are seeing events that are absolutely preventable with positive train control, particularly on passenger operations,” said Deborah A. P. Hersman, the former chairwoman of the safety board, who is the president and chief executive of the National Safety Council.þþ“When you consider investment priorities, safety comes last,” she said. “Unfortunately, it absolutely has to come first.”þ
Source: NY Times