LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The national directors for Hollywood's two major performers' unions voted for a proposed merger that they said would give them more bargaining power with entertainment conglomerates.þþAt a joint meeting, the national boards of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists Saturday approved principles of consolidation that are the first step in forming a new union.þþSupporters said consolidation would maximize their strength and resolve jurisdiction fights, such as who represents actors in digital productions.þþ``Our need for unity is not abstract,'' said AFTRA National President John Connolly. ``We have two organizations that cover much of the same jurisdiction. We have been able to stand together united for many years. The pressures of the market place and digital technology are trying to drive us apart.''þþAll 69 SAG directors voted in favor of the merger proposal. AFTRA approved the plan 72-3. The two unions represent about 130,000 performers.þþ``This is the ultimate fight against salary depression for us,'' said SAG President Melissa Gilbert.þþThe combined organization would consist of separate affiliates for actors, broadcasters and recording artists that would have autonomy over bargaining, strikes and other issues.þþMembers of each affiliate would elect a president. The head of the umbrella union would be selected by a convention of delegates.þþUnder the proposal, health and pension plans would be combined.þþThe national boards will meet again April 5 in Washington, D.C., to vote on a constitution and a plan to implement the merger. If approved, 60 percent of both unions' members would have to OK it in a referendum.þþAFTRA represents recording artists, TV and radio broadcasters, and performers in daytime TV, game or reality shows. About 40,000 of its 70,000 members also belong to SAG, which represents actors in film, commercials and prime-time TV shows. SAG, Hollywood's largest performers union, has 98,000 members.þþSAG members rejected a merger plan in 1999.þþ
Source: NY Times