
Philly, New York-Area Airport Crews Suspend Strike, Talking

  • 07-13-2017
PHILADELPHIA — Several hundred workers, including baggage handlers, cleaners and customer service agents at three New York-area airports and Philadelphia International Airport have suspended a strike while contract talks continue.þþThe airport workers at Newark Liberty International Airport walked off the job at 9 p.m. Tuesday in a labor dispute with their employer, PrimeFlight, a subcontractor for several airlines.þþA spokeswoman for the 32BJ Service Employees International Union said late Tuesday that workers also planned to strike Kennedy and LaGuardia airports in New York, along with the Philadelphia airport early Wednesday.þþBut union Vice President Rob Hill said early Wednesday that ÿlast-minuteÿ talks between the union and American Airlines have resumed, so the union has ÿsuspendedÿ the strike while talks continue.þþPrimeFlight and American Airlines couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

Source: NY Times