
Union Again Postpones Strike at Mahoning County Engineer's Office

  • 04-23-2018
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) - Congressman Tim Ryan is asking Teamsters Local Union No. 377 to hold off on any strike as he tries to smooth things out with the Mahoning County Engineer.þþThe Teamsters threatened to go on strike again Monday due to failed negotiations thus far. þþMore than 40 Teamsters members on the engineer's staff have been without a new contract since last April. On March 20, Mahoning County Commissioners rejected a fact-finder's report.þþUnion members say they're unhappy with Mahoning County Engineer Pat Ginnetti's position that he wants to eliminate seniority during a layoff and in job assignments. þþCongressman Ryan says he wants to bring both parties together for further negotiations, so the union decided to again postpone the strike to give Ryan the opportunity to resolve seniority and job protection differences between the two parties. þþThe union says its major dispute does not involve wages or wage increases. þ
