Unable to reach an agreement with United Technologies Corp., 188 employees at the companies Cheshire aerospace operation plan to go on strike Monday. þþThe employees, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 62A, would go on strike as of midnight after an offer from UTC failed to get the two-thirds majority needed, District Lodge 26 directing business representative Mike Stone said Sunday. þþJessica Napoli, a spokesman for UTC, said the plant will remain in operation despite the union’s decision. She also said negotiations remain ongoing. þþ“UTC Aerospace Systems will remain open and operate as normal throughout the work stoppage,” she said in a statement, We have robust contingency plans in place and do not expect the strike to affect our customers or suppliers.”þþUTC acquired the 250 Knotter Dr. location as part of its purchase Goodrich, a deal that was announced in 2011. þþStone said this is the third contract negotiations between UTC and employees since then. þþ“United Technologies crammed their substandard health care plan down the workers throats in their first negotiations with the group,” he said in a press release. “Since then they have applied their one size fits all approach toward negotiations giving Cheshire union workers the same health care and percentages for wage increases” as employees at UTC’s Pratt & Whitey and Hamilton Standard locations. þþStone said employees in Cheshire make less than those at other locations, though, and claimed some employees wages would actually drop under UTC’s offer. He also said the union is consulting with attorneys about how to address “a series of strong arm tactic(s) designed to influence the vote on Sunday.”
Source: www.myrecordjournal.com