DENVER (CBS4)– The Denver Classroom Teachers Union says it plans to strike on Feb. 11. Gov. Jared Polis says he is not getting involved in the discussions between the teachers and Denver Public Schools.þþ“These differences are limited, they’re small, we know that there are responsible people on both sides who care about the children of Denver,” said Polis.þþThe two groups have been going back and forth for more than a year. After failed attempts at negotiations in January, the teacher’s union announced it planned to strike.þþThey attempted to negotiate again last Thursday night, but ended the meeting early.þþThere are three major gaps in the proposals between the district and the union; additional salary for teachers working in low income schools, about $750; how much money to give teachers working in schools considered a high priority, DPS wants to give another $2,500 in salary but the union doesn’t want any incentive based on the school; and there’s only $300 difference for starting salaries.þþ“We will not be able to open early education classrooms in the event of a strike,” said DPS Superintendent Susana Cordova.þþOn Monday, the state sent a letter to the union saying it respects teacher’s right to strike, but it is working to help both come to an agreement.þþ
Source: CBS News Denver