The United Steel Workers Union 5114 announced on facebook Monday that a proposed labor contract has been accepted by a vote of 86 to 78. The Union also called for volunteers to take down picket tents and signs and reminded union workers to notify Hecla Mining if they changed their direct deposit bank accounts.þþThe miners at the Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, Idaho, have been on strike since March of 2017. They were working under the terms of an expired agreement for nearly 11 months while negotiations were going on, when the dispute began. In previous news coverage, Dave Roose, President of USW Local 5114 told KXLY, “All we’re asking for is a fair contract. We’re not being greedy, we’re not being unfair.”þþRoose says two things Hecla wanted to take away in their new contract, were the ability for miners to bid on certain projects, and the ability for them to constantly know their wages for each job.þþThis is a developing story. Check back for updates.