The Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in Providence has announced that the Teamsters are planning on striking on Monday. þRISD released the following: þþÿRISD has been negotiating with the General Teamsters Local 251, the union representing our movers, custodians and grounds services staff members, since June 2022 to come to an agreement that provides our valued employees with wage increases while maintaining their benefits. þþAlthough negotiations were productive at first, union leaders have been unwilling to work productively with us since we began discussing economic issues in October. They have continued to demand benefits and wage increases that go well beyond what RISD considers fiscally responsible or that would allow us to maintain equity across the college. þþRISD has learned that the union plans to strike on campus on Monday (April 3). We respect our workers’ right to strike, but it will not resolve this matter. We do not expect the strike to impact access to RISD buildings, resources or other elements of the RISD student experience.þþIn-mid February, after months of negotiations and several sessions with a federal mediator, RISD presented union leaders with a best and final offer that provides members with pay increases and a strong benefits package. RISD did not receive a formal response to this offer for over a month. The response we did receive was a clear indication the union was unwilling to have productive discussions about wages and benefits. þþRISD has significant concerns about the accuracy of the information union leaders are providing to its members regarding our last offer and the status of negotiations. þþRISD’s last offer is still on the table and we hope the union’s leaders will be willing to work with us soon. The burden is on the union to engage in reasonable discussions about wages and benefits.ÿþþThe Teamsters on Monday released the following statement: þþÿOn Monday, April 3, workers at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) represented by Teamsters Local 251 began an open-ended unfair labor practice (ULP) strike in response to RISD’s failure to negotiate with workers.þþThis strike comes less than two weeks after RISD Teamsters held a one-day ULP strike. Local 251 has filed ULP charges against RISD for failing to pay a general wage increase and changing starting rates for workers without providing them with notice or an opportunity to bargain.þþWorkers have called out the College's hypocrisy on equity and inclusion, despite its policies and rhetoric. An online letter campaign in support is here:þþFor the last several months, workers have been fighting to secure their first contract at the college while RISD has not bargained in good faith. Most recently, RISD ignored the workers’ proposed contract from March 18. Local 251 represents 62 custodians, caretakers, groundskeepers, and movers at RISD.ÿ